We believe that everyone deserves a second chance. Our education recovery program SOAR! provides young adults between the ages of 16 to 24 who have left the traditional school system an opportunity to complete their education by earning a high school diploma. 


SA Youth's SOAR! program provides young adults a second chance to recover a high school diploma while learning marketable skills at the same time. Members are directed through a structured online and class-based curriculum.


Our SOAR! program offers young people the opportunity to not only earn their high school diploma but also prepares them for the workforce. Members acquire knowledge and skill-set to work in the construction industry.


At SA Youth, we create a safe environment where young people are free to learn; where everyone is valued, guided, and taught leadership qualities, which directly enhances their growth in self-confidence.


  • Between the ages of 16 and 24
  • Individuals who have left the traditional school system
  • A Texas resident
  • Low-income or receiving assistance


SA Youth is proud to partner with SAMMinistries and Corazon San Antonio to bring the YASS Center to life! SA Youth offers our high school diploma recovery, workforce, and leadership development program, SOAR! to the students of the YASS Center.

The new Young Adult Stability and Support (YASS) Center provides a safe space for rest and connection to resources for one of San Antonio’s fastest-growing populations experiencing or facing becoming unhoused-young people, ages 18-24.


SA Youth programming would not be possible without you. 
Donate now to support our mission and our commitment to provide 
SOAR! programming at no-cost to participants.


SOAR! Programming is Generously Supported By:




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